I've been really missing my friends lately, and it's not just because they're awesome. It's been difficult to make meaningful relationships here. I've explored this before (
click here), when we had been here for just three months; it's kinda sad to think that we're more than a year in and the situation hasn't changed much. But there's another reason to add to the list I created last September.
Expats are transients. And it's not only because assignments have an end date; time spent here is often filled with business trips and exotic vacations (and man, do those Europeans have vacation time!). It just seems as if everyone is coming and going before they end up gone from China for good.
So when I was able to have a three-way conversation with my friends from home -- Pammie in Albany, New York and Lauren in Berkeley, Calif. -- it did my heart some good.
(Pammie, bottom right, looks great -- at 8 months pregnant nonetheless; I think I caught Lauren mid-sentence; and I have a goofy look on my face as I try to listen and take a screen shot at the same time.)
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