Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wrecked Wednesday

Remember the Tuesday night rides? We're still ridin'! I had taken a breather during the summer when it got too hot (and yes, I stopped riding in the winter when it got too cold -- what can I say? I'm a bit of a baby).

But the rides have changed. They've grown from about 30 when we first started, to about 100 back in May, to at least 250 last night! And with the weather only getting better, there's a good chance the rides will get bigger in the coming weeks. To be honest, I may take another break until November when the weather turns cold and the number of riders becomes fewer. It used to be that the group of 50+ made me feel protected while weaving through traffic and riding the crazy streets of Shanghai, but now the group has gotten so large that it's become slightly unruly and pretty unsafe.

That said, little beats how good I feel after a two-hour, 40k bike ride. The top 10 list still applies.

Here's last night's ride:

And the one from a couple of weeks ago:

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