Friday, February 8, 2013

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Happy Chinese New Year, all! We're off to Dalian tomorrow, Mike's parents' city, where we'll spend a few days before heading to South Korea. After two days in Seoul (should we go to the DMZ? Not to be confused with the DMV), we're off to the mountains for a few days of riding (happy husband!). 

We're currently researching activities and restaurants (tofu soup, bibimbap, and BBQ), but I must admit, I haven't focused on the trip much. I have news to share! When we get back from Seoul, I'll officially be a working woman again. Although I'm sure I'll quickly miss my days as a housewife, I'm excited for the experience of working abroad. It's something I've always wanted to do. And in case you were worried, I am going to keep the blog alive, though I may not post as often. At the very least, I'll keep the "Fatty Tuesdays" going, because, let's face it, we'll continue to be fatties, job or no job.  

You won't hear from me next week, but until the next post... Gong Xi Fa Cai, Xin Nian Kuaile, and Happy New Year!       


  1. What are you going to be doing in China? Are Mike's parents still living there? In suspense......

    1. I'll be doing comms for a large multinational here in Shanghai. And yes, Mike's parents are still here. We've spent good, quality time with his mom who's been sweet enough to show us/me around and feed us well!

  2. Shoot! I wish we got to have a Skype date before you left on your trip. Let's definitely get something on the books for when you are back in Shanghai! xx

  3. Happy New Year to you both. My very best for a happy and healthy year. Have fun riding!!!
