Thursday, April 18, 2013

No Fun at Formula 1

So in case you couldn't tell, I've come to the realization that I am not a Formula 1 fan (sorry, guys). The prospect sounded fun -- fancy cars on display, expensive cars racing one another on a track the shape of a Chinese character (the character for "Shang," as in "SHANGhai," meaning "above"), and event fare like hot dogs and beer. Who doesn't like hot dogs and beer?

But in reality, it was boring and money poorly spent on a hater like me. Okay, it was cool to watch the race cars drive by a couple of times, but had I realized that they had 56 laps in total, I would have never signed up. And the noise was painfully deafening! Ear plugs are a requirement if you ever want to hear again. I think at one point, I used the noise as my sound machine, found my place of zen, and snoozed for a good ten minutes (a feat I'm actually quite proud of).   

At least I got some cool pics out of the deal (more here):


  1. Tell Mike he has to take you a race where you can sit in the hospitality suite and drink good champagne and eat gourmet food all day. That's the only way to go, but I have to admit I do love F1 and always did love auto racing. Take care.

    And a great picture of the winner BTW,

    1. Hmm... good champagne and gourmet food could possibly lure me back to the racetrack...
