Friday, May 3, 2013

Five Qs for Mom

My mom visited us here in Shanghai from her beautiful home in Los Angeles, and stayed for almost one month. Here's a quick interview with her about her impressions of our life here China.

What was your favorite experience? 
Tasting all kinds of different foods. There’s such a variety here. You can get whatever you want. And just walking around; it’s a great city! 

What was the best meal? 
I loved Lost Heaven where we celebrated [Mike's mom's] birthday. The ambience was tasteful and beautiful, and the food was superb. Lots of flavors and textures. [I guess I'll have to do a Fatty Tuesday on Lost Heaven soon...]

What did you find most surprising? 
The entrepreneurial spirit and youth of Europeans, Australians and Americans alike. It's as though China is the new frontier. Also, the sheer numbers of people everywhere. The crowds were everywhere and at times, daunting. [It's true; she survived the train station on a holiday weekend.] 

What did you find most challenging? 
The air pollution. The number of people everywhere. The fact that it's impossible to know real from unreal, or what is real and true from what is false or fake. Trust is an issue in China; one is cynical and unbelieving. Food issues. 

What did you miss most from home? 
Salmon. Eggs. Food you can trust! Blue skies. Cleanliness. Space. Quiet. Places outdoors where one can be alone. The ocean. [I hear you, Mom! But I'm glad you came.]


  1. We want more of your interview! ;-)

    1. What other questions do you have for mom?

  2. Would she live in China? Did she learn any Chinese?

    1. She said she'd come and visit again, but I don't think she'll be trading in her beach-front home in LA any time soon! And I think she nailed down "nihao" and "xiexie" (hello and thank you). :)
