Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Stop complaining

I'm looking at you, East Coast of the USA. Note time of day. 
The constant predicament: Walk fast toward a shaded or air-conditioned haven, even though walking fast yields feelings of nausea and light-headedness. Welcome to the height of summer in Shanghai. 


  1. Looks like Houston in the summer...except we don't have Uncle Tetsu. We have Rick Perry. Quit complaining! Wendy

    1. Triple-digit weather and 40% humidity - I'm allowed to complain!

    2. Wah wah wah. Houston relative humidity in the morning averages 92% in July, afternoon averages 61%. Average July temp is 95. We STILL don't have Uncle Tetsu and we STILL have Rick Perry.

    3. I could go on to discuss the air pollution index and freedom of the press and free speech and the like, but I won't. You win. So then the question is: Why the F are you still living in Houston?!
