Monday, September 30, 2013

The holidays are here

Tomorrow is National Day here in China (equivalent to our Fourth, I think) and kicks off a week of holiday time. I feel pretty lame that we aren't taking advantage of the time off and taking off somewhere exotic, but with my pending visa issues, I can only travel within China. And traveling anywhere within China during the holidays is like going to Disneyland on a Saturday in the middle of summer break, times 100. (We learned our lesson back in April.) Braving crazy crowds just doesn't sound appealing to us right now. So we're staying in town this week, seeking out the quiet spots in Shanghai while avoiding the touristy ones.

As a side note, check out my new kicks. I've joined the ranks of cool, young hipster expats in Shanghai who each have a pair. They're just over $11 and come in a variety of colors and styles. Cute, no? #feiyue


  1. Have you bought any knock off Chanel bags yet?

    1. Chanel bags, no - but other stuff! It's kinda required for living here.
