Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama Re-elected

As planned, Robin and I spent most of today in a hotel ballroom turned red, white and blue with balloons, party hats and flower arrangements. Very patriotic indeed. We were glued to the large screens, watching the numbers change and yellow turn to red or blue on CNN's electoral map. The atmosphere was marked by cautious optimism on all sides. 

When Ohio turned, some applause broke out, but I got the sense that attendees wanted to be respectful of one another's desired outcome. Once CNN projected Obama's win, applause grew louder and you could feel the excitement in the room. At that point, most people chose to leave and get back to their day, but Robin and I closed out the party by staying for the speeches. And though I try to remain mum on politics (lessons learned), tonight I go to sleep a happy and proud American.  
"We remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. We are and forever will be the United States of America." President Barack Obama, November 6, 2012

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