Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Chinglish Part II

You knew it was coming -- a second Chinglish post. Long overdue, I know, but I've working on my collection. Here are some favorites seen in and around China. 

There's nothing terribly wrong with this sign, I suppose (other than the seemingly random placement of the word "multiple") -- but it's the name of the shop (and its BOLD font and graphic) that cracks me up.  
 Would it be better if they were dressed?
 Woah! Makes you wonder what else they can deliver.  
I quickly crossed the street when I saw these signs on a building I thought was maybe a public restroom: (from left to right, top to bottom) Warning Danger, Warning Daop Down (what?), Warning Ovntilating (whaaat?), Must Wear Defence Mask (really?), Must Fastened Seat Belt (for the bathroom?!). And don't you love that last sign -- Superman with an awkwardly placed arrow?    
The funny part about this one is the fact that it's found on the front desk of our lobby late at night. What do you think "Ken" actually does when he "sends the newspaper"?  
Now this isn't chinglish, per se, but it is a complete rip off of two beloved American brands. Can you recognize them? If you look closely, you'll notice that the logo for Gina's Gelato looks a lot like a combination of Wendy's and Ben & Jerry's. 
 Entertaining, no? 


  1. I like the ones that you thought were on a restroom at first - especially the superman figure! And "sending the newspaper" is quite intriguing : )

    1. Isn't it? I think "sending the newspaper" is code for "sleeping".

  2. "We deliver much more than food" made me LOL at work. Ended up having to share it with the doc sitting next to me. He LOL also. Thanks for entertaining us! :-)
