Monday, June 18, 2012

Chinglish Part I

We've all seen some funny (horrific, some may say) uses of the English language, but not much compares to what you find in China. I have a feeling this is the first post of many to come on the subject. 

We saw the image below on Nanjing Road (think: LA's Third Street Promenade on steroids, with brighter lights and the volume turned way up). It was outside a store where a number of couples seemed to be looking at (their?) wedding photos. 
"Loved is sweet. Love only you, only I am drunk. You belong to me, the door is always open for you."
Whaaaaaat? And yes, Mike's wedding tux looks exactly like the one pictured.

Off of Nanjing Road, by some food spots:

Anyone up for some "freshiy spueeied fruit" juice?

At an electronics mall: 

Not to be mistaken with the IiiPad

And a favorite, found in a menu:

Who wants some "bad hair fragrant beans"?
I'm not sure what's better or what's worse -- beans that have bad hair or beans that smell good

More to come, I'm sure of it. 


  1. This is my favorite post so far. How did I miss it before?

    1. Subscribe so you don't miss Chinglish Part II! (if you haven't already done so...)
