Friday, June 8, 2012

Happy Shanghai Friday

What's everyone up to this weekend? Watching hockey and basketball? Mike's really missing live action sports. We'll have to find bars that televise the games -- after figuring out game times and time differences. I have a feeling we'll be having bloody marys while you're all drinking beer.

Mike's parents are arriving today from Dalian, a city in Northeast China. No set plans just yet, but at some point, we'll have to pick up Mike's custom-made shorts and shirt from the fabric market. And as soon as I decide what I want, I too will be picking up my own custom-made clothes!    


  1. We'll watch the Kings game later, but right now we're watching the Euro Cup--we might even get to watch a game while we're in Italy!

  2. Do it! We'll be following the Euro Cup from here - it's pretty much the only thing on TV we (I) can understand.
